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Group Minutes


(draft) Minutes of Committee Meeting of Cleveland Group of the Ramblers

held in Sunnyfield House, Guisborough on 1 August 2022.


PRESENT Dennis Barr, Mike Collier (Chair), Mike Cherrett, Bill Dell, Pauline Leyshon, Hazel Merigold, Colin Monson, Brian Smith, Geoff Watkins.

The Chair welcomed Pauline Leyshon, who will take over as Walks Co-ordinator in October.

1 Minutes 4.4.22 have been distributed.

2 Hambleton & Ryedale (Colin Monson 01287 632556)

2.1 We agreed to a footpath diversion at Stonely Woods, Fadmoor.

2.2 We continue to object to four proposed PROW diversions, all of which have been supported by North Yorkshire County Council and referred by them to the Planning Inspectorate. At High Kingthorpe we wish the diverted PROW to go round the side of a field rather than across it. At Scugdale Cottage, Hartoft (2.3), Oak House Hawnby and Head House Farm, Hartoft we consider the diversions to be unnecessary and inconvenient.

2.3 (2.5) Moorlands Farm, Rosedale. After being refused access in December because the “informal” consultation period had ended we objected when the sealed order was made. The owner has now agreed to meet us and we will be visiting the farm on 4 August to assess the situation.

2.4 Ravensthorpe Manor. Following a site meeting last December to discuss a proposed diversion we made recommendations to the agent. Nothing further was heard until we were formally consulted about a sealed order confirming the original proposal. We have formally objected to this proposal and noted our disappointment that discussions with the agent have been fruitless.

2.5 (2.4) Hood Grange Farm, Sutton Bank. We were informed that the six-month temporary closure order was expected to be rescinded by Easter. The notice still appears to be operational.

3 Redcar & Cleveland (Geoff Watkins 07968 301202)

3.1 We were consulted about four planning applications, none of them contentious.

3.2 (3.3) Following the retirement of Tony Gordon Carl Cockerill has been appointed PROW Officer. We are assured that a new Countryside Access Ranger will be appointed to replace Carl.

4, 5, Easington and Hartlepool

Bill Dell has agreed to be FP Officer with Brian Smith taking over responsibility for the website and membership. The Secretary will notify both authorities.

6 Middlesbrough (Geoff Watkins 07968 301202)

6.1 Despite repeated attempts no information has been received and the promised meeting with Stewart Williams has not materialised. Further attempts to contact Stewart will be made by phone.

7 Stockton (Mike Cherrett 01642 783491)

7.1 Most of the recent planning applications have been for PV solar farms. Where necessary, the need for continuous safe access to the paths concerned has been stipulated.

7.2 Several temporary FP closures have been notified for safety, repairs or other works.

8 Scarborough (Bill Dell 01287 637730)

8.1 We were consulted about 3 planning applications and 2 other matters. There were no objections.

9 Website (Bill Dell) Nothing to report.

10 Local Access Forum

Carl Cockerill has agreed to restart the R&C LAF and the Chair, John Sugden, has agreed to continue. Attempts to make contact with the Tees Valley LAF have so far been unsuccessful.

11 Walks

Average attendance Sundays 12, evenings 6. The annual Christmas meal has been reinstated. Pauline Leyshon was confirmed as the new Walks Co-ordinator. Thanks were expressed to Dennis Barr, who has held the post for 13 years.

12 Membership Local membership has fallen to 276, broadly in line with a drop in UK membership.

13 Secretary Nothing to report.

14 Treasurer

14.1 Balance 1.10.21 £429.23. Income £296. Expenses £226.55. Balance £498.68

14.2 The balance above is made up of General Fund £418.68, Designated Fund (from the Walking Partnership) £80.

15 Area Nothing to report.

16 AOB

16.1 Reference numbers are still awaited for many PROW Problem reports in the National Park. Ben Jackson has been off since April and there is currently no Ranger in post. It was agreed to contact Michael Graham and request a meeting.

16.2 A member contacted us about the path from the eastern end of Guisborough Branch Walkway over the viaduct, suggesting that it be claimed as a PROW. She will be informed that this is not possible as “Private” signs have been displayed at various times over the years.

16.3 John Birtill has requested our backing in connection with problems caused by bikers using footpaths in Guisborough Woods. It was agreed that BD should contact him, initially to compile a list of locations, before contacting the National Park and Forestry England.

17 Next meeting Monday 5 December at 2pm in Sunnyfield House.

Agenda 5 December 2022

1 Minutes 4.4.22 10 Local Access Forum

2 Hambleton & Ryedale 11 Walks

3 Redcar & Cleveland 12 Membership

4 Easington 13 Secretary

5 Hartlepool 14 Treasurer

6 Middlesbrough 15 Area

7 Stockton 16 AOB

8 Scarborough 17 Date of next meeting

9 Website

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