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These guidelines follow the personal and walking risk assessments prepared by the U3A and GU3A



Please consult the personal risk assessment to check that your health circumstances and those in your household are such but it is safe to participate.



The walking route and suitable parking location will be displayed on the website as usual. This will allow you to check that it is safe for you to participate.


Do not take part if you or anyone in your household has Covid 19 symptoms. Since there are common symptoms between colds, coughs, flu, and covid 19 don’t attend if you are unwell.


Inform the group coordinator that you intend to take part before 5 pm on the day before the walk.



You are advised to bring hand sanitiser and a face mask to the walk.


We can now car share from the Voyager although those who wish can travel directly to the meeting point.


It is still advised that those car sharing wear masks and/or open the windows. 


The Coordinator will take the register and collect fees in a Covid safe manner ( Bring the correct change! )




If you develop COVID-19 symptoms within 11 days inform the group coordinator, apply for a Covid19 test and support NHS contact tracing if requested



©2019 by Guisborough U3A, 10+ Walking Group. Proudly created with

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